Level Up 

your art business.

Take Your Art Business to Amazing Places!

Ready to sidestep the trial and error and jumpstart your art business? Let's make your creative dreams a reality.



Creating a thriving art business takes so much more than just making art. That's why we see so many artists with outstanding work who aren't even making enough money to create art full-time.  We must work on all four aspects of our creative business to make it thrive. 

I will be developing courses that cover all four aspects.

Hey there!


I'm here to help you make your art business thrive âžť

Over the last 8 years, I've transformed my passion for art into a high six-figure business that not only supports my family but is something I'm immensely proud of.

Now, I'm bringing all that hard-won knowledge — plus 15 years of experience in advertising and marketing — straight to you through these specially designed courses.

Turn Your Art into a Thriving Business: Learn from a Pro!

"Working with Jen has quite literally changed my life. I first connected with Jen when I didn't really know if, or how I could possibly take this from a hobby to a job. She gave me the support, encouragement and the tools to kick start the process. I have achieved in such a short time if it wasn't for her support and guidance. I appreciate her honesty, generosity with her knowledge, enthusiasm and the overwhelming passion that she speaks with about art."

Petrina Jose

"I thoroughly enjoy working with Jen. Her constructive feedback on my work, emphasizing my distinct strengths and providing development guidance, has proven incredibly valuable. Her keen insight has also been instrumental in helping me identify and overcome my limiting beliefs. And her generosity and resourcefulness are most inspiring to me in developing my art business!"

- Coral Noel Yang

"Working with Jen has completely changed my outlook on my art business. She helped me level up every aspect, but most notably expanding my offerings by helping me overcome the overwhelm of setting up art prints. She is so generous with her knowledge and experience. I can’t thank her enough for what she has shared."

- Jade Sutton

The First Course!

A step-by-step course to set up an online business selling your art prints.

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Say NO to the myth of the starving artist – turn your passion for art into a profitable business.

Online Courses

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Mentorship Programme

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Private Community

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